BitShares Wallet, also called BTS Wallet. It's a wallet for BitShares, and also a decentralized exchange with better user experience. You can withdraw the bts from other centralized exchanges, such as Bittrex. We wrote a brief introduction about how to transfer your #BitShares from Bittrex to a wallet. Read and Share: features:Wallet:1.Check your balance2.Check the transaction record 3.Send your BTS/bitUSD to others using this wallet.Quotes:Check the latest or history price of BTS and other smart coins pairsExchange:1.Sell/Buy BTS and other smart coins easily2.Check the SELL ORDER and BUY ORDER3.Check your open ordersAccount system:1.The accounts of BitShares work in all clients2.You can log in with the account which is registered in OpenLedger,, icowallet, smartcoin walletWe will add withdraw/deposit feature soon, and will utilize the service of OpenLedgerThe wallet is totally safe and trustworthy. We have opened source on github: you face any problem, join our telegram group to discuss with us and other users: you can send an email to us:
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